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Sharp - 90” Aquos VFX and Compositing

Back from 2013.
My job was rotoscoping, keying, clean plates, smoke (tornado) simulation and rendering in Blender, compositing.
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After finishing my crazy personal project (, where one of the main visual effects was a CG tornado (based on a great tutorial by Thomas Piemontese, aka Tom Walks), I was asked to join the team at Juice to work on this commercial. I pushed the setup a bit further and got a satisfying result.

Sharp - 90” Aquos VFX and Compositing breakdown

Breakdown #1 (see the video for movement)

Breakdown #1 (see the video for movement)

Breakdown #2 (see the video for movement)

Breakdown #2 (see the video for movement)

Blender simulation tests (see the video for movement)

Blender simulation tests (see the video for movement)

Blender simulation tests (see the video for movement)

Blender simulation tests (see the video for movement)

One of the comped shots.

One of the comped shots.

Final commercial.